Thursday, July 11, 2013


Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't been posting a lot but I need you to do the poll one the side  --->
And guess what? I'm going to the American Girl Doll STORE!!!!!!!!!!!!(Tomorrow)I will be sure to take as many pictures as possible and post them on Saturday! Can you guess who I'm taking? Comment down below!


Monday, July 8, 2013


How many times each day should I post? free polls 

Saturday, July 6, 2013


OK so right now the blog is a total wreck but I will fix that with some help from Grace. So just get ready for a whole new blog!  :) Be Happy And Drink Orange Juice!



Last night I was looking at Doll Delight (Aka The Spicy's) and I found this adorable hairstyle! Its SO EASY and SO CUTE! Here is the link ENJOY!


Friday, July 5, 2013

CRAFT-American Girl Headphones

SURPRISE!Are you ready for a SUPER easy craft? Then get comfy and scroll down!

What You Need-

2 suction cups
A pair of pliers
A wire hanger

This here is what we are making!!
 First thing you do is bend the wire over the doll's head 
 Cut with pliers but leave extra on both sides then wrap around the suction cup then repeat on other side 
 Here is a better look

And here is the finished product! I hope you enjoyed this craft but I recommend an adult to handle the pliers unless you are an actual grown up :)
Please SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel Hadden MacRae!
And follow me be email!
Come back tomorrow for more!



HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!!!! (belated) Any way I just came back from the beach about 20 min. ago. I Have something planed later today! Can't wait!!!

              This is me wishing YOU a HAPPY (late) 4th Of JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
