Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hi everyone,its me Emily Jane. Sorry I'm posting this so late but I could only get on the computer when human was sleeping so luckily for me tonight is a school night so this was the perfect chance.
All I want do is introduce myself, Laine *Hello*and Nellie *Hi*.First of is me!
A few things about me are:
1. I love <3 electronics (my iPhone, computer and my ipad )
2.I love nature witch people think is kind of weird since I love electronics
3.I'm really lazy
4.I have a boyfriend named Will and we text each other alllllllllllllll the time
5.I'm 16 and I'm the oldest one next is Laine then Nellie
6.I actually love school
7.I'm a HORRIBLE speller thank god for spell check
8.I have a dog named Coconut
9.I'm based to look like human and am My Ag #22
Now onto Lanie
Hi everybody I'm Laine!
A few things about me are:
1.I used to have a bunny but he ran away:(
2.When Human is ay school I am the one that usually takes care of every one *Emily Jane says: No you don't!*
3.I have a white cat from a friend of mine named Rebecca and my cousin got the orange one
5.I'm 13 and the second oldest
6.For some reason everyone says I'm bossy
7.I always wake up first
8.I love to be in Humans photo story's
9.Human says my hair is SUPER hard to do anything with(Uhh RUDE)
10.I'm tired *yawn* good night *falling on keyboard pressing random letters*hhrhhjnhhfyrhbhgh
LAINE,WAKE UP! Uhhhhhhhh. Go to your bed! Okayyyyyy*falls on to floor*Uhhhhhh. OK you can sleep on the floor. Ummmm... now on to Nellie
Hi! I'm Nellie and I'm 6
Here are some things about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:
1.I am not typing this Emily Jane is
2.I have a dog named Doggy
3.I'm in kindergarten
4.I love all colors
5.I'm 6 and the smallest one in my family 
6.I'm staying way past my bedtime right now:)
7.I can sort of read
8.Human says I'm a historical(I don't know what that means)and is retired(does that mean I don't have to go to school?!)
9.I look exactly like my Humans teachers daughter Eleanor
10.I'm in girl scouts

   Emily Jane, Laine and Nellie

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